We exist to lead kids on a journey of transformation in Jesus.
We believe that each and every child is unique, deeply loved by God, and designed on purpose. We love helping kids discover the love of God and who they are created to be in Him.

Your kids are very important to us and we want them to love coming to church. That’s why we’ve created church just for them! They’ll learn the truth about who God is and who they are through engaging, age-specific activities, Bible stories, and small groups.
WONDER (birth - 18 months)
DISCOVER (18 MONTHS - 2 Years)
EXPLORE (3 - 4 years)
We are privileged to come alongside you, as parents, and partner in the growth of your children in the areas of faith, character and knowing Jesus. From the moment kids arrive, our Journey Kids Superheroes are ready to play, connect, and share the love of Jesus. The message is simple. We want your little ones to know that God loves them, God made them and Jesus wants to be their friend forever.
TREK (1st Grade – 3rd Grade)
RISE 4/5 (4th GRADE – 5TH GRADE)
Our Trek and RISE 4/5 environments are designed for children to have fun, and grow in their knowledge and relationship with Jesus. Your kids will be engaged in a fun way that teaches them about the Word of God! They'll hear a Bible teaching, participate in worship, and have opportunities to talk about what they’ve learned and how to apply it to their lives during small group. We want to help your child know the depths of Jesus' love for them and how to passionately follow Him.
We look forward to the privilege of getting to know you and sharing the love of Jesus with your kids!
parent resources
We partner with families to help kids discover and follow Jesus so that every child knows and experiences God’s great love for them.
Midweek Email
Join our Journey Kids midweek email for all the details on what's coming and amazing ways you can connect as a family with Jesus.
Parent Cue App
The Parent Cue App connects your child with our weekly Bible Stories and monthly verse so they never miss a Sunday.
Church Center App
For quick check-in on Sundays and events, download and get connected with Journey Church through the Church Center App.
Child dedications:
Your child is fearfully and wonderfully made and a gift from the Lord. Through child dedication, you as parents, publicly dedicate yourselves to raise your child in the knowledge and truth of the Lord. We as the church get to partner with you in as you lead your child to know and love Jesus.

Do you have a heart for kids? There is a place for you! As a Journey Kids Superhero we partner with parents in raising up the next generation to know and love Jesus. Just as much as you will be impacting their lives, they will be impacting yours. All of our Superheroes start with Growth Track. Learn more by clicking the link below.